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Tristram & Iseult


Tristram & Iseult is an Arthurian legend and a tragic story of forbidden love between a knight and the betrothed of his liege.

De la naissance de Tristram jusqu’à sa mort aux côtés de sa bien-aimée, un vert symbolique habite parcourt leur légende : un vert qui séduit et empoisonne, le vert d’un amour incertain et funeste.

In medieval times, Green was am ambiguous colour, associated with courtly love, with magic, death, poison and even corruption. This vast and complex registery of symbolism inspired a chromatic-lexicology research around a textured green which, in turn, led to the creation of this short almost mute adaptation in which the narrative capacity of this green is explored and it can fully express itself.

This project and its research notebook were presented at La Maison de la Recherche (The Research House) of the university Jean Jaurès, in Toulouse.

  • PDF file
  • 20 pages of illustrations

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