Logo Maëliss Font : graphiste et illustratrice à Aurillac ( Cantal ) Designer graphique

Maëliss Font

Graphiste et illustratrice freelance

Studio de création graphique indépendant à Aurillac
specialized in branding and visual communication 
& visual narrative researcher exploring
new poetics of storytelling. 

The story
of your project

Each project has its own needs and require clear visual means to succeed. Through a unique approach that combines a thorough theoretic process with imaginative means, I will find the best-fitted path to craft your brand's story.

In order to design a striking brand image which conveys the ethos of your project, I establish a communication with you at every step of the process.

My services

Logo design
and visual identity

I create unique brand identities that are tailored to your project to reveal the personality of your structure and anchor your values.

Print & Web
Brand communication

I develop your brand communication across all type of marketing material: commercial brochures, flyers, social network content, etc.

& graphics

I translate your messages visually through clear graphics and custom illustrations which fuses my style with your words.

& displays

I conceive exterior and interior wayfinding system for your brand as well as displays for your point-of-sales or for events and conventions.

& product launch

I imagine a visual landscape for your product to exist, on its packaging and through its launch campaign. I develop a unique visual language to give voice to your product's qualities.


I analyse your brand's needs to advise you on which means to put in place to increase your reach. Together we can find the best-fitted method to build your success.